2014-02-06 Minutes




The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Max Armstrong gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore and West Blount. (100 % ATTENDANCE) EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Blount EMS, Law Enforcement and the District Attorney Office were also represented. 9·1·1 Director Caleb Branch, Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Members Sheriff Loyd Arrington, Chief Steve Pass and Chief Bob Sanford were present.

GUESTS – Leo Deason with Herzing University sponsored the meal but was not able to attend due to weather disruptions on their school calendar. John detailed some highlights of their curriculum. This summer should see available course work for a BS degree in EMS and EMT will be taught each semester. District 3 Commissioner Dean Calvert was also present.

Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the January meeting. Motion by Chief Glass, seconded by Chief Payne, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Ayers, and carried by voice vote.


CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed suggested that the Association consider joining several community groups to improve our outreach and message with the general population of Blount County. These groups and their annual dues are: Blount County-Oneonta Chamber of Commerce - $35.00; West Blount Chamber of Commerce - $30.00; and Oneonta Business Association - $30.00. Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards highlighted the recent quarterly meeting of the AAVFD (see attached). John advertised the retention and recruitment workshop to be held in Florence on Feb 8-9.

EMA Director Max Armstrong commended all departments that took care of the citizens during the recent winter weather events. It is encouraging to know Blount County volunteers step forward during a time of crisis to protect and help friends and neighbors. He especially thanked the Blount County Rescue Squad for assisting with several missions to return people to their homes or make sure patients had medication. January Fuelman usage totaled 128% of monthly budgeted expenses. Max also reported that there have been 21 resumes received for the EMA Director position. Evaluations and interviews will begin soon.

9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Max introduced the newly-hired 911 Director Caleb Branch. Caleb is a native of Clay County and has been involved with the operations management of a Birmingham based ambulance service. Caleb commented that he looks forward to meeting and working with all of the departments.

TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr. highlighted several training opportunities for the coming months (see attached).


FORESTRY Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms thanked all departments for their response during the recent heavy outbreak of wildfires. He also invited everyone to pick up free tree seedlings at the Extension office at the Frank Green Building the last week of February.

SPECIAL OPS No report.


BREMSS Joe Acker advised that protocol updates would be sent out March 1. Recent bed counts at hospitals have caused many transport divert situations. He urged all departments not to send patients to hospitals where they can't retrieve the patient's hospital records. Allow TCC to match patients and hospital records as best they can. Joe awarded the BREMSS Dispatcher of the Year Award to Regina Wilson for her outstanding career with the Blount County 911 Center and wished her well on her recent retirement.

Blount EMS – Tammy asked that if you have problems scheduling or completing any Protocol classes, please let her know.

AMED – No report.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – Sheriff Arrington reported that although he has tried to make a practice of donating used light bars to fire departments, it has become cheaper for departments to purchase brand new bars rather than to replace the colored lenses in the used ones.

CORONER – No report.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY – District Attorney Pamela Casey discussed the importance of fire scene confidentiality. Do not allow fire department members to take scene pictures or discuss any scene details with the public that might compromise a criminal investigation. She also shared what protocol she expects when your department is involved in a fire-related death.

LIFESAVER – No report.

AIR-EVAC – No report.

RED CROSS – No report.

GOOD & WELFARE - No report.


Reminder that some departments need to turn in financial review information and equipment inspections.

There were many positive comments on the method for the recent pump tests. Many departments saved money through this procedure.


§ John Reed paid expenses out-of-pocket related to the upkeep and licensing of the Association website. Motion to reimburse John for $472.12 offered by Chief Payne with a second from Chief Glass. Motion carried by voice vote.

§ With the retirement of Max from EMA and as Sec/Treas of the Association, a motion to nominate Doug Smith as Sec/Treas was received from Chief Payne with a second from Chief Ledbetter and passed by voice vote.

§ John requested permission to pay annual dues to the Blount County-Oneonta Chamber of Commerce for $35.00; West Blount Chamber of Commerce for $30.00; and Oneonta Business Association for $30.00. Motion by Chief Payne with second from Chief Hill, carried by voice vote.

§ Tim Sosebee , representing the West Blount Fire District organization committee, requested a meeting with all District 1 fire departments immediately following the Association meeting to discuss their plans and provide information. They currently have about 500 signatures for their petition to call for a Fire District vote.

The next meeting will be Thursday, March 6 at Susan Moore Fire Department. There will be a meal at 6:30.