2013-02-07 Minutes




The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Chief Gilbert gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blountsville, Brooksville, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain and Summit. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, BREMSS, Law Enforcement, LifeSaver, and the District Attorney Office were also represented.

9·1·1 Board Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Member Bob Sanford were present.

GUESTS – Dwight Hayes, Total Radio Service, Inc., provided the meal and talked about the Blount County roots of Total Radio and asked that anyone who needed information about communication equipment talk with him about their products. Hayden Mayor Larry Armstrong and Blount County District 1 Commissioner Allen Armstrong were present. BCSO Lt. Wes Neill was in attendance for Sgt. Investigator Fred Cochran.

Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the January meeting. Motion by Chief Frye, seconded by Chief Payne, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Wade, seconded by Chief Gilbert, and carried by voice vote.


CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed recognized Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards who gave the report from two AAVFD meetings he had attended; the state-wide meeting and the District II meeting held at O’ So Good BBQ in January. (See attached for both reports.)

EMA – Director Max Armstrong reminded all departments to be aware of their training needs and begin preparations for the annual NIMSCAST training report due in August. There are no new NIMS courses required this year. If any department has responsibility for outdoor warning siren maintenance, please make sure your siren has been narrow-banded if you haven’t already. There will be a Weather Spotters Training Class taught by the National Weather Service at the Blount County EOC on Tuesday, February 19 at 1830. Fuelman use for the month of January was 88.4% of budget. Every year the State EMA requires that the County EMA offices seek public input related to the update of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). If any department has anything that needs attention, please share it with the EMA office.

9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Supervisor Neal Brooks handed out run reports.

TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye went through a detailed list of training opportunities (See attached report). There is some interest in chainsaw safety and operation courses. Terry will check to see if Alabama Forestry Commission instructors are available. Hurst Towing is interested in assisting with a Traffic Control Training class. Holly Springs VFD will host an EMT class starting February 19.


FORESTRY – Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms stressed the need to size-up your wildfire to make sure of what resources may be required before you call for a Forestry tractor.

SPECIAL OPS – No report.

ST. VINCENTS BLOUNT – John reported that Tim Watkins would be working with the vendor who recently installed the new HEAR radio to provide training for staff. The HEAR radio should be operational in a few weeks.

BREMSS – John reported that on March 12, 2013 in Clanton there will be a SEMCC work session at 1000 and a SEMCC meeting at 1300. Recently approved protocols will be discussed but copies are not currently available. They will be sent at a later date.

Blount EMS – No report.

AMED – No report.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – A question was asked about how to handle Coroner requests. The District Attorney’s office should be notified if there is a vehicular fatality. EMS Protocols state the proper authorities must be notified. After a law enforcement officer arrives on the scene EMS is not required to stay there. The patient must be declared dead by using on-line medical control per EMS Protocol.

CORONER – No report.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY – District Attorney Pamela Casey advised that the Straight Mtn arson case resulted in the death penalty for the accused defendant. She is very appreciative of what the fire departments do to assist her office and continually gets good reports on the Fire & EMS service in Blount County. She reminded all that she is available at all times and made an offer to attempt to assist any department if there is a need for some financial help with training or equipment.

LIFESAVER – Traci Jones reported that the company is still working on moving their air base to either the Hayden/West Blount area or somewhere in north Jefferson County. They are also interested in sponsoring LZ classes if you need that training.

AIR-EVAC – No report.

RED CROSS – No report.

GOOD & WELFARE – Ralph Mitchell advised that there is some money in the account for use if you have any personnel that have emergency needs.


§ The Fire Chief’s Conference will be held on Saturday, March 9 at 0800 at the Frank Green Building located at 415 5th Avenue East, Oneonta. DA Pamela Casey offered to cover the costs of the lunch. If you plan to attend, please notify EMA by email so that a head count for the meal will be accurate. This Conference is designed for Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs, officers, administrators, department trustees and municipal leaders. Please notify and invite those people affiliated with your department.


§ Adrean Booth was recognized as the new Chief at Bangor Fire.

§ The EMT Scholarship Policy needs to be revisited to develop a fair and equitable method of qualifying for the $1800 reimbursement fund provided by the Blount County Health Care Authority for those who complete their EMT training. More discussion will follow at the March meeting.

§ The location and host for the April meeting needs to be changed due to conflicts with the EMT training conducted at Holly Springs Fire during that time. It was decided to swap the locations for April and November. April will be held at Palisades Park in the Dalton Moss Lodge and Holly Springs will host the November meeting.

The next meeting will be March 7 at the Blountsville VFW. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Southern Linc.